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You can learn Spanish in 1 month
30 hours
30 days
Full beginner to A1
Try before you buy
No credit card required
(a year's progress in one month)


What is Balmer Sprint Learning?

A world-class hybrid language learning solution blending sprint learning with a specially designed curriculum, a companion app and a mixture of "lesson time" (teaching sprint learning) coaching time (answering language and learning questions) individualised learning and unlimited text support capable of accelerating your progress in a language to 5x DuoLingo and 10x traditional classroom learning.​


Designed for busy people, we believe this is the fastest, most time-efficient method of learning Spanish.  The Balmer Sprint Learning system is a remarkable step forward in language learning.


Feeling skeptical? So you should.

​​The best way to sell a great product that is far beyond the competition - especially if it is surprisingly good - is to offer a free trial.  Allow people to try, without financial risk, in the knowledge that a decent percentage of those people will really, really like your product and stay with you.  It saves a lot of advertising dollars.


Our free trial

We believe in our product and are happy to offer a free trial.  The terms are:


1. First 3 days free (10% of the course). This will include all the important activities and more than 2 hours of free coaching.


2. No credit card required


3. Nothing to cancel.


4. Pay for your course on day 4 if you are convinced that Balmer Sprint Learning is a remarkable step forward in language learning. If not - just stop - it's as simple as that.

Register your interest in our free trial

Language to learn
Current Level
Absolute beginner
Know some words
Learned it before
Desired improvement
Absolute beginner to A1
A1 to A2
A2 to B1
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