You can learn Spanish in 1 month
30 hours
30 days
Full beginner to A1
Try before you buy
No credit card required
(a year's progress in one month)
What is Balmer Sprint Learning?
A world-class hybrid language learning solution blending sprint learning with a specially designed curriculum, a companion app and a mixture of "lesson time" (teaching sprint learning) coaching time (answering language and learning questions) individualised learning and unlimited text support capable of accelerating your progress in a language to 5x DuoLingo and 10x traditional classroom learning.​
Designed for busy people, we believe this is the fastest, most time-efficient method of learning Spanish. The Balmer Sprint Learning system is a remarkable step forward in language learning.
Feeling skeptical? So you should.
​​The best way to sell a great product that is far beyond the competition - especially if it is surprisingly good - is to offer a free trial. Allow people to try, without financial risk, in the knowledge that a decent percentage of those people will really, really like your product and stay with you. It saves a lot of advertising dollars.
Our free trial
We believe in our product and are happy to offer a free trial. The terms are:
1. First 3 days free (10% of the course). This will include all the important activities and more than 2 hours of free coaching.
2. No credit card required
3. Nothing to cancel.
4. Pay for your course on day 4 if you are convinced that Balmer Sprint Learning is a remarkable step forward in language learning. If not - just stop - it's as simple as that.